Artificial Intelligence and Physics

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are living a twofold revolution. On the one hand tasks that were dreamed long time ago have become true, ranging from speech recognition, image classification, just to cite a few; on the other hand they are changing progressively our approach to theoretical and experimental problems that go from astrophysics across high energy, statistical physics and biophysics. The purpose of this conference is to bring together physicists, computer scientists and researchers in the industry that work on machine learning and its applications.

The participation is free of charge but we ask you to register before March 7. Applications for contributed talks and posters are very welcome.

Breaking News: Introduction to Machine Learning by F. Krzakala and A. Baker (EDPIF 2019, ENS starting April 1st)





Invited speakers

Jerome Bobin 
CosmoStat, CEA
Simona Cocco
L. Daudet and I. Carron
LightOn, Paris
Silvio Franz
LPTMS, Paris-Sud
Cécile Germain
LRI, Paris-Sud
Alexandre Gramfort
Inria, Paris-Saclay
Emille Ishida
LPC, Univ. Pascal
Raphaël Lasseri
Magic LEMP, Paris
Gilles Louppe
Univ. de Liège
Stephane Mallat
Collège de France, ENS
Marc Mézard
ENS, Paris
Rémi Munos
Google DeepMind
Patrick Pérez
Valeo AI, Paris
David Rousseau
LAL, Paris-Sud
Jean-Philippe Vert
Google Brain
Matthieu Wyart
EPFL, Lausanne
Karine Zeitouni
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